Nature Documentaries Also Record Culture

Nature Documentaries Also Record Culture

Interviewee: Kristiina Koskinen (K)Doctor of Arts - her dissertation examines the conceptions of nature in TV nature documentaries and how those conceptions are formed.Interviewers: Curator Tiina Rauhala and Artist Maija Tammi, Doctor of Arts (T&M)T: The...

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Imagination Feeds Empathy

Imagination Feeds Empathy

Interviewee: Dr. Marius Vollberg, specialized in psychology and neuroscience. As a fellow of the Swiss National Science Foundation, Marius investigates the affective and social determinants of behaviour.Interviewers: Curator Tiina Rauhala and Artist Maija Tammi, Doctor of ArtsT&M: The artwork...

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The Chameleon is a Party Animal, Migratory Locusts are the Jekylls and Hydes of the Insect World

The Chameleon is a Party Animal, Migratory Locusts are the Jekylls and Hydes of the Insect World

Interviewee: Dr. Joni Ollonen, biologist.Specialised in skull development in squamates.Interviewers: Curator Tiina Rauhala and Artist Maija Tammi, Doctor of ArtsT: Lilli, the migratory locust in Hulda & Lilli, doesn’t swarm due to an intestinal parasite. Why do locusts, these otherwise solitary creatures,...

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Our Brain Predicts - And Hallucinates - What We See

Our Brain Predicts - And Hallucinates - What We See

Interviewee: Floortje Bouwkamp, Doctoral researcher at the Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour in the Netherlands. (FB) Interviewer: Maija Tammi, Artist and doctor of arts. (MT)MT: Researcher Bouwkamp, you are investigating the predictive brain. What does that mean? FB:...

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Fabulator of the Liminal

Fabulator of the Liminal

“Storytellers rule the world” (attributed to the Greek philosopher Plato)“There is an ambiguity in the activity of story telling…Storytelling is an activity that faces in two directions. On the one hand it is connection with the idea...

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ExoGarden (2023)

ExoGarden (2023)

ExoGarden (2023)3D-Printed Modular Eco-Habitats for Earth and SpaceBAD Award winnerAnna Vershinina & Wieger Wamelink     In the context of climate change and the development of Mars settlements, there is an increasing demand for resilient living solutions in harsh, resource-depleted environments. Addressing...

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re-c(O)unting (2023)

re-c(O)unting (2023)

re-c(O)unting (2023)BAD Award winnerella hebendanz, pamela varela & Joris Koenere-c(O)unting is an artistic-scientific research questioning how we can transform the production of knowledge; it is an empowering journey from the transgenerational trauma our lands and bodies store. Deconstructing the binarisms between...

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Close Encounters with Inner Aliens (2023)

Close Encounters with Inner Aliens (2023)

Close Encounters with Inner Aliens (2023)BAD Award winnerHung Lu Chan & Floris de Lange, Floortje Bouwkamp, Matthias EkmanTriggered by curiosity, humans tend to imagine aliens in an approach to perceiving the unknown. However, these absurdities are entirely shaped by our...

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XENO II (2023)

XENO II (2023)

XENO II (2023)Rachel Armstrong, Rolf Hughes and Anna VershininaXeno II is a wayward being—a mutant cyborg spawned by the erratic impulses between ‘living’ hydroponics systems, artificial intelligence, and biofilms. It evolves a new metabolism that draws electricity from root microbes...

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Fungal Faculty (2023)

Fungal Faculty (2023)

Fungal Faculty (2023)Thijs Bierstekerin collaboration with the Computational Intelligence Group, Vrije Universiteit AmsterdamExperience the fluidity of intelligence through 'Fungal Faculty.' This AI-powered artwork challenges our notions of intelligence, intertwining ancient fungal networks with modern AI.As you engage with the installation by...

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Orders of the Undead. You survived, what now? (2020/2023)

Orders of the Undead. You survived, what now? (2020/2023)

Orders of the Undead. You survived, what now? (2020/2023)Nadine Botha & Henry de Vries, with Pete Fung and Coltrane McDowellThe starting point is 2020. It’s been a long year of not knowing what is news and what is zombie flick....

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Caught in listening to rocks (2023)

Caught in listening to rocks (2023)

Caught in listening to rocks (2023)Jennifer CarnielPlanets are exciting scientific objects, from an earthly perspective. Science is transforming them from distant objects into places suitable for habitation. Each new data set and scientific article makes them more meaningful and brings...

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Thermal Wombs (2019-2020)

Thermal Wombs (2019-2020)

Thermal Wombs (2019-2020)Stine DejaWorldwide around 400 whole bodies have been submerged in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees Celsius awaiting advances in science so to be revived in the future. The Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Arizona, US, is one...

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Bestiary of the Anthropocene (2021)

Bestiary of the Anthropocene (2021)

Bestiary of the Anthropocene (2021)Nicolas Nova & Disnovation.orgIn medieval bestiaries, herbaria and lapidaria, real beasts, plants and stones next to imaginary ones were described with all sorts of details like their properties, virtues and how to use them treating illnesses....

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Reach (2022)

Reach (2022)

Reach (2022)Karel van LaereWhen Karel van Laere attended a six-hour surgery at a hospital he saw surgeons using laparoscopic instruments - robotic tools to work with very precisely. In the heat of the moment, vital decisions were made by the...

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AIxxNOSOGRAPHIES (2023-ongoing)

AIxxNOSOGRAPHIES (2023-ongoing)

AIxxNOSOGRAPHIES (2023-ongoing)Špela Petri?, Reon Cordova and Janita ChenAs AI is tested for use in every societal sector, we peer into the near future through an interview with the chief researcher of an EU medical regulatory body to learn how they...

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CEMENTO - Stephan Cornelio Velema

CEMENTO - Stephan Cornelio Velema

In Cemento, Dutch-Colombian filmmaker Stephan Cornelio Velema explores the symbiotic relationship between theatre and film. The concept of imprisonment is dissected in Velema's signature cinematic style: Urban Experimental Narrative. When Ayoub and Ryan are in extended remand on suspicion of...

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Building a Museum - Li Binyuan

Building a Museum - Li Binyuan

In July 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, artist Li Binyuan signed a labor contract with a construction team in Nanjing, and joined the construction process of a local grand art museum. He continued to work at an...

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cure my SAD - Wasted Rita

cure my SAD - Wasted Rita

After digital nomad invasions, after housing speculation, after cities rebranding themselves for tourists, after an economy collapse, after sea level rises, after four distinct seasons and after severe floods and heat waves. In a future where the sun is so...

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Pan~//Catwalk – Archive of Becoming - Zwermers

Pan~//Catwalk – Archive of Becoming - Zwermers

How human is our tendency to classify and label others? And how do we store and sort our judgements? This is the question the Tilburg-based performance company Zwermers is asking as the next step in their long-running project Pan~//Catwalk. ...

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#Beingyourselfie - Hanneke Wetzer

#Beingyourselfie - Hanneke Wetzer

One more Being every day. Artist Hanneke Wetzer drew her first Being on 1 January 2016 and since then every day one has seen the light. Directly with pen on paper, without a sketch beforehand, she draws the human figures....

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Rhetorical Bodies - Paula Strunden

Rhetorical Bodies - Paula Strunden

'Rhetorical Bodies' is a collaborative extended reality (XR) installation by Paula Strunden. It virtually connects two dancing bodies, translating their movements into sounds and transforming their physical forms into interactive embodied synthesizers. Through this immersive XR experience, you can explore...

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To Be Continued - Nineties Productions

To Be Continued - Nineties Productions

Our digital age has accelerated life to no end. In nanoseconds, we can access anything we want to know, interact with anyone, and create new worlds. You might think we have gained control over time, but have we? On...

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Repainting Subway Art - Tripl / Furious

Repainting Subway Art - Tripl / Furious

Repainting Subway Art - Tripl / Furious 10 June - 27 August on show in MU. A tribute to the front runners of graffiti.With photos by Martha Cooper & Henry Chalfant. Curated by Jasper van EsRepainting Subway Art...

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Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home by designer collective Vis-à-Visa, is an installation by a group of Design Academy Eindhoven alumni, who have united around residence permits for artists and designers who are not from the EU, but would like to work and...

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Welcome Hybrarian

Welcome Hybrarian

Welcome Hybrarian by Rogier Klomp explores with a mix of graffiti, cartoons and mapping what it means to be hybrid. You’re invited to wander through the map and find your way. The map views hybrid as a temporary state where two things...

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Melvin the Magical Mixed Media Machine

Melvin the Magical Mixed Media Machine

Melvin the Magical Mixed Media Machine by HeyHeydeHaas (or simply Melvin the Machine, ‘born’ at MU) can be described as a Rube Goldberg machine with a twist. Besides doing what Rube Goldberg’s do best - performing a simple task as...

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The Guangzhou Wedding of Things

The Guangzhou Wedding of Things

The Guangzhou Wedding of Things by MacGuffin & Alexandre Humbert depicts the intricate relationships between objects and citizens in the constantly changing urban environment of the Chinese city of Guangzhou. It was originally made for the sixth Guangzhou Triennial in...

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The Artificial Self  & Eroliteracy

The Artificial Self & Eroliteracy

The Artificial Self from Lukas Völp and Eroliteracy from Nikola Scheibe look at questions such as: who am I? What do I like? What do I need? How do I feel? These existential questions have only become more complex in the...

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United Mental States

United Mental States

United Mental States by Emma Verhoeven questions what happens in the media-saturated heads of young people. It imagines how feelings, dreams, fears and concerns of an online generation come together in a physical landscape. Performance pressure, motivation, loneliness and happiness are continents...

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Full Body Smart Automatic Manipulator

Full Body Smart Automatic Manipulator

Full Body Smart Automatic Manipulator by Arvid & Marie unveils a stage for exploring the intimacy between technologies and their humans, using tactility as an uncharted medium for interaction and exchange with artificial intelligence. We touch our technologies but how...

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MUMORIES by Sophia Boschat-Thorez, Simon Browne, Artemis Gryllaki, Margarita Osipian, Karl Moubarak, Carolina Pinto, Laurence Scherz and Angelique Spaninks questions how the future of hybridity in the cultural field will evolve. Where will hybrid events take us, now that COVID-19...

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Oeverloos by Hanan Faour is an exploration through births, social media platforms and (alternative) birthdays. Click, read, listen and get lost in a labyrinth of stories that question what it is like to be twenty-five in a hybrid world in...

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Have We Met?

Have We Met?

This podcast is in Dutch: visit us here to read this article. ...

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MUD & FLOOD ~ The return of Nehalennia (2022)

MUD & FLOOD ~ The return of Nehalennia (2022)

*BAD Award winner 2022MUD & FLOOD ~ The return of Nehalennia Nonhuman Nonsense (Linnea Våglund, Leo Fidjeland & Filips Sta?islavskis)Marte Stoorvogel | Dept of Estuarine & Delta Systems at NIOZThis is an interactive installation: You are...

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*BAD Award winner 2022ATLAS OF QUEER ANATOMY Kuang-Yi Ku Henry de Vries | Dept. of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases at Amsterdam UMC/Sexual Health Centre GGD AmsterdamIntertwining penises, tongues, mouths and anuses between which spiny viruses and swarming microbes...

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*BAD Award winner 2022HACKING HEURISTICS Marlot MeyerMarcel de Jeu | Dept. of Neuroscience at Erasmus MCA yellow octopus lies silently stranded on the floor, arms wide, its large head resting in the middle. Above it, seemingly tiny offspring hang...

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How to make an Ocean (2020 - ongoing)

How to make an Ocean (2020 - ongoing)

How to make an Ocean (2020 - ongoing)Kasia MolgaKasia Molga experienced devastating loss in the autumn of 2019 that made her cry many tears while dealing with grief, and at some point she started to collect them in...

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Hybrid (2022)

Hybrid (2022)

Hybrid : an interspecies opera (2022)Heather Dewey-HagborgArtist Heather Dewey-Hagborg is no stranger to MU's bio art & design programme. She works at the intersection of art and biology, almost like a detective tackling intriguing questions about biotechnology that...

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Genital*Panic (2021)

Genital*Panic (2021)

Genital*Panic (2021)Mary MaggicSince the rise of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, we all live in a highly polluted world deeply tied to patriarchal capitalism. In an attempt to get an analytical grasp on how chemical pollution has become intertwined with our...

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Perfect Sleep/Sleep Study (2021)

Perfect Sleep/Sleep Study (2021)

Perfect Sleep/Sleep Study (2021)Tega Brain & Sam LavignePerfect Sleep investigates sleep and dreaming as a potential climate engineering technology. By inviting participants to experiment with their own sleep cycles, the work explores how lack of sleep and climate...

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Dear Interlocutor TX1 (2020), TX1 (2020), Xenological Entanglements 001b: Saccular Fount (2020)

Dear Interlocutor TX1 (2020), TX1 (2020), Xenological Entanglements 001b: Saccular Fount (2020)

TX1 (2020)Dear Interlocutor TX1 (2020)Xenological Entanglements 001b: Saccular Fount (2020) Adriana KnoufWhile we (humans) refer to potential outer-space life as ‘aliens,’ queer and transgender life on Earth is also, still, often referred to as ‘alien’. Tranxxeno lab by Adriana...

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UNBORN0X9: from homunculus to partial ectogenesis

UNBORN0X9: from homunculus to partial ectogenesis

Read the booklet, consisting of this essay and an interview with Shu Lea Cheang, here in PDF."Ectogenesis will, in making the growth of the child directly visible, actually 'enhance rather than diminish the value we place...

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UNBORN0X9: an interview with Shu Lea Cheang

UNBORN0X9: an interview with Shu Lea Cheang

Read the booklet, consisting of this interview and the essay by Ewen Chardronnet, here in PDF. An interview with Shu Lea Cheang by Makery.infoParis, April 2022Makery: Can you describe how the project UNBORN0X9 was… born?Shu Lea Cheang: In...

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Ecstasy Inquiries

Ecstasy Inquiries

Download the essay in PDFOne.Ecstasy is a particularly interesting substance for many reasons. While it has not enjoyed the relative cultural and legal Glasnost of marijuana, ecstasy is generally not viewed quite as harmful and vile as cocaine...

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To live and die with soil

To live and die with soil

This essay contextualizes Jasper Griepink’s solo exhibition EARTHSHRINE. EARTHSHRINE offers an eco-fictional sacred space with multi-media artworks and public gatherings inviting us to redefine our relationship with soil. This essay unpacks the exhibition’s prompt “Sensing Sacred Soils” in light of...

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As the bright, translucent greens of spring gradually deepen to robust summer shades, a spacecraft has landed in – or is ready to fly away from - MU’s dark exhibition hall. The large concrete space is transformed into an EARTHSHRINE,...

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Spiraling into Infinity

Spiraling into Infinity

To those who can see, light shapes the universe from the distant stars to the smartphone screen. It is the basis of life on Earth; our entire existence depends on light and still, most people take it for granted. Indeed,...

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LAWKI, Life As We Know It, is connected directly to the main artery of our age: the endless stream of online videos where we can lose ourselves completely — and refind ourselves again. To billions of people, video is a...

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Real Feelings: Emotion and Technology

Real Feelings: Emotion and Technology

Emotions are core to human experience. Love them or hate them, they influence the directions our individual lives and society take. In the 21st century, technology has begun engaging with emotions as never before. Ranging from artificial intelligence, robotics and biometrics...

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From the Fields to the Sea to the Soul

From the Fields to the Sea to the Soul

For the past decade the fields of bioart and biodesign have flourished, as evidenced by numerous works, from material prototypes and completed architecture, to elaborate art installations and imaginative science-fiction-like speculations in video. Educators have been...

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Being human in the age of loss

Being human in the age of loss

Essay commissioned by MU Hybrid Art House for the exhibition‘Polarities: the psychology and politics of being ecological’ IntroductionThe first time I encountered overwhelming feelings of sadness, mixed with powerlessness and anger related to something other than human loss...

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Evolutions of Kin

Evolutions of Kin

‘Free will is overrated. I do not make decisions outside the Universe and then plunge in, like an Olympic diver. I am already in. I am like a mermaid, constantly pulled and pulling, pushed and pushing, flicked and flicking, turned...

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Mutating Systems, Bodies, and Perspectives

Mutating Systems, Bodies, and Perspectives

Civilization is often regarded as a process of transforming raw material – what is found in nature – into culture and its accoutrements, from cities and musical scores, to cuisine and the rule of law. But of course, each...

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Proposing a Dogme 95 Approach of Journalism

Proposing a Dogme 95 Approach of Journalism

Artists, architects, theatre makers, musicians, they all can perform the act of journalism just as well as – and maybe better than – the ‘real’ journalists. Take for example Forensic Architecture, a London-based multidisciplinary collective with art exhibitions all...

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Zach Blas – The Objectivist Drug Party \\\ Heather Dewey-Hagborg – Genomic Intimacy

Zach Blas – The Objectivist Drug Party \\\ Heather Dewey-Hagborg – Genomic Intimacy

From May 11 to July 8 2018, MU presents The Objectivist Drug Party and Genomic Intimacy, two solo-exhibitions of the internationally acclaimed artists Zach Blas and Heather Dewey-Hagborg. The Objectivist Drug Party shows recent work of Zach Blas: the film Jubilee 2033 (2018), the latest...

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A Non-Circadian Cadence

A Non-Circadian Cadence

For as long as humans have been compelled to coordinate, telling time has been an all-important enterprise. Technologies from sundials and calendars to maritime chronometers and atomic clocks burst forth to make it possible to do both the profound, such...

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Et in Arcadia EGO: Addressing Cancer, Death and Immortality Using Science

Et in Arcadia EGO: Addressing Cancer, Death and Immortality Using Science

Charlotte Jarvis won the Bio Art & Design Award 2012 with her project Ergo Sum. Together with Hans Clevers she wrote Et in Arcadia EGO: Addressing Cancer, Death and Immortality Using Science that was published by The MIT Press in Leonardo, Volume...

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Art as a laboratory of the future

Art as a laboratory of the future

"Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You are not welcome among us. You...

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Avant Tout, Discipline

Avant Tout, Discipline

In the film Trapped in the Dream of the Other a camera navigates through what the artists themselves have called a performance: in the summer of 2016, bespoke fireworks were set off in an open-air mine near Numbi in the...

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The internet has transformed the world of graffiti. Offering writers and their audiences seemingly limitless opportunities to push the envelope, and in the process radically changing the way we understand this art form. In this MU podcast RJ Rushmore and...

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Aeon Flux

Aeon Flux

Ebbs and Flows in Art and ScienceThe moon is our biggest mover of liquid, pulling at the seas with its gravity to create the rising and falling of the tides. Its 28-day cycle of waxing and waning has continued for...

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A celebration of twenty years on the Web: My Boyfriend Came Back From The War

A celebration of twenty years on the Web: My Boyfriend Came Back From The War

Educated as a journalist and film critic, and curating experimental film programmes in Moscow, in the mid-1990s Olia Lialina quickly embraced the Web and started experimenting with its unique qualities. She made her first net art piece, My Boyfriend Came...

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Interview with BAD Award winner Isaac Monté & Toby Kiers

Interview with BAD Award winner Isaac Monté & Toby Kiers

The art of deceptionInterview with Isaac Haines & Toby KiersQ: The hearts: are they human?Isaac: No: We used pig hearts, because pig organs will be used in the near future to be implanted in the bodies of human beings. The...

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Interview with BAD Award winner Emma Dorothy Conley & Guus Roeselers

Interview with BAD Award winner Emma Dorothy Conley & Guus Roeselers

Microbiome Security AgencyQ: Emma, your work, called The MSA, is about bacteria traces we pick up and leave behind in our daily lives. Why is this a privacy-issue? Why should we be concerned about it? What do you fear?Emma: Well,...

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Interview with BAD Award winner Agi Haines, Jos van der Geest & Marcel de Jeu

Interview with BAD Award winner Agi Haines, Jos van der Geest & Marcel de Jeu

Drones with desiresQ: Agi, your work, what is it? It looks like a giant floating brain!Agi: Well actually that is kind of what it is! It is a Drone that is working through my brain data in order to learn...

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Ethics, Ecology, and the Future: Art and Design Face the Anthropocene

Ethics, Ecology, and the Future: Art and Design Face the Anthropocene

AbstractArt and design have become platforms for discussing the long-term implications of technology and modernity, most recently in relation to ecological crisis and the Anthropocene. While artists, designers and curators seek to raise awareness of the Anthropocene, it is important...

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Cultur(aliz)ing Life

Cultur(aliz)ing Life

Fascinating. Fake. Aesthetic. Unethical. Interesting. Banal. Not-art. Not-science. Elitist. Cute. Blank stare. Impressions linger as I begin this essay on living systems and the art that desires their vitality. Truthfully, the public’s opinion has little to do with the transformative experience...

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Een moment

Een moment

Unfortunately, we don't have an English version of this text. ...

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Matter of Art?

Matter of Art?

text not available in English yet ...

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Adjusting the contours of nature

Adjusting the contours of nature

The aim of art is not to show how or why an effect is produced (that would be science) but literally to produce it.If there is one thing that the exhibition Matter of Life demonstrates, it is that the bio...

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As yet untitled

As yet untitled

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do it

do it

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Bruce Sterling - My pretty Alluvian bride

Bruce Sterling - My pretty Alluvian bride

Excuse us, this text is not available in engish yet....

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