INFO | MU Hybrid Art House
The hybrid here, now and later of visual culture
Saturday 12.00 - 18.00
Sunday 13.00 - 17.00
Adjusted opening hours
Closed: 25 & 26 December, 31 December, 1 January, Kingsday
The opening hours only apply during exhibitions. In between exhibitions, when MU is under construction, we are closed for public.
Regular: €6,00 | Student: €4,25 | CJP: €3,00 | < 18: free | Wednesday: free | Museum Card: free | Exhibition openings: €5 (incl. 1 drink)
Students & teachers from institutions in Noord-Brabant visit MU for free upon presentation of a valid student / teacher ID. We Are Public members visit MU for free during expo openings & every last weekend of the month (Friday - Sunday).
Torenallee 40-06 (Strijp-S), 5617 BD, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
MU is located at a central location in the Strijp-S district of Eindhoven, nearby the train station 'Eindhoven Strijp-S' and bus stop 'Strijp-S'. Click here for directions.
MU TEAM & CONTACT DETAILS for visiting mu in groups or workshops
Angelique Spaninks - Director & Curator
Gieske Bienert - Deputy Director
Roos Vogels & Bjorn Telkamp - Facility Management & Front Desk
Kaj Hendrix - Program Coordinator
Harm Hofmans & Juliëtte Verberk - Education
Kyra Meilink & Thamar Schleicher - Back Office & Financial Administration
Stephan Velema & Kelly van Gemert - Communication
Albert Vleer - Production
Barbara Vos - Bio Art & Design (BAD) Award
President/chairman: Martijn van der Mark
Treasurer: Hans Gijbers
Secretary: Annet Dekker
Members: Bert Dirrix, Suna Karaca
MU Hybrid Art House is a charity cause for which financial support of MU could have fiscal benefits for private persons aswel as for corporate institutes/companies. MU is an established ANBI (Dutch fiscal form for charitable organisations) and is exempt/relieved from capital transfer taxes. Private persons who want to support MU can deduct 125% of their donation to MU from their tax reports. Companies that qualify for corporate tax can deduct 150% of their donation to MU from their tax reports. Click here for more information about tax benefits with cultural donations.
Here you can read the Standaardformulier Publicatieplicht ANBI (in Dutch).
Activiteitenverslag 2020 | Beeldverslag 2020 | Jaarrekening 2021
Meerjarenplan 2017-2020 | Meerjarenplan 2021 - 2024 (all in Dutch)
Stichting MU, Torenallee 40-06, 5617 BD, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
RSIN: 807144289
MU is structurally supported by
Ministerie van OCW | Provincie Noord-Brabant | Stichting Cultuur Eindhoven / Gemeente Eindhoven
MU receives project support by
SIDN Fonds | Fonds21 | Kunstloc Brabant | Creative Industries Fund NL | VSB Fonds | Cultural Participation Fund
TRUDO | BioArt Laboratories | Dutch Design Foundation | Next Nature | NWO | Cultuurstation | STRP | HeyHeyDeHaas | Studio Tast | We Are Public | SintLucas | Affect lab | The Hmm | Avans St Joost School of Art & Design