Workshop | Making Mistakes (schools & professionals) Workshop | Making Mistakes (schools & professionals) Workshop | Making Mistakes (schools & professionals)

Workshop | Making Mistakes (schools & professionals)

Reversed design thinking

Making mistakes, our whole life is focused on what not to do. Especially at school: stay within the lines and avoid penalties, but secretly none of us really likes making mistakes. In this workshop we step out of our comfort zone and search for the creative power of errors. And why try to avoid making mistakes of the can bring new ideas!

We start with the wrongest, the worst, the most idiotic version. All boundaries and limitations set aside and brainstorm freely. We then take those ideas in to the creation of the 'right' version, based on and inspired by the wrong one. Because let's face it, sometimes really wrong just feels really right, the so called Guilty Pleasure!

Assignment & theme.

The theme and assignment of the workshop can be tailored and customized for a theme that is already living within the organization or an existing assignment at school.

Practical information
- Period: all year
- Duration: 1 to 2 hours, depending on specific requirements
- For: everyone starting from 12 years (both schools and businesses)
- Purpose: loosen creativity by letting go of fixed frames.
- Location: on location or at MU Strijp-S (up to 15 p.), Torenallee 40-06 Eindhoven.
- Price on request
- The workshop can be combined with an interactive tour through the exhibition.

Sign and information via Juliƫtte Verberk: